Office of the Æthelmearc Webminister

Spinning Webs Since the Beginning of Time
Welcome to the Æthelmearc’s Webminister Office!
The Æthelmearc Webministry is responsible for:
- Maintaining and monitoring the Kingdom server, Kingdom domain, website, and email forwarders
- Creating subdomains for local groups, guilds, and other Kingdom-related entities
- Warranting Webministers for the branches and groups of the Kingdom
- Monitoring all websites associated with the Kingdom to ensure compliance with both Kingdom and SCA policy
- Lending technical assistance to the Webministers of the recognized branches and groups within the Kingdom of Æthelmearc
On this site you will see information and resources for our Webministers.
Please note this page is under constant revision.
If you have any resources to add, please contact me at
Happy Spinning!
In service,
Meisterin Amalie Reinhardt
Æ Kingdom Webminister