Blackfox Award Nominees

AS LII (2018)
Best Overall Website
Winner: Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Kameshima Zentarou Umakai, Webminister
Honorable Mention: Barony of Endless Hills, Dono Leo-San, Webminister
Best Appearance
Winner: Shire of Coppertree – Lady Aerin Wen, Webminister
Honorable Mention: Dominion of Myrkfaelinn – Lord Robert of Ferness, Webminister
Best Organization
Winner: Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Kameshima Zentarou Umakai, Webminister
Honorable Mention: Shire of Sylvan Glen, Lady Umm Samin Bint Asad Al-Isfahaniyya, Webminister
Best Use of Technology
Winner: Authorization Clerk, Mistress Maria Christina de Cordoba, Webminister
Honorable Mention: Earl Marshal, Lady Elizabeth the Huntress, Webminister
Best Artwork
Winner: Shire of Nithgaard, Graphic by Lady Avitoria Vidua
Honorable Mention: Signet, Banner Graphic by Master Kieran MacRae and Background Graphic by THLady Fiora d’Artusio
Best Special Interest Website
Winner: AE Rapier – Lord Simon Caminante, Webminsiter
Honorable Mention: Brewers Guild – THL Madoc Arundel, Webminister
Best Regular Feature
Winner: Barony of Delftwood, Lord Sabastian Mora, Webminister
Honorable Mention:
Best Content
Winner: Barony of Delftwood, Lord Sabastian Mora, Webminister
Honorable Mention: Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands, Kameshima Zentarou Umakai, Webminister
Best Blog
Winner: Barony of the Rhyderrich Hael, Baron Magnus de Lyons and Baroness Miriel du Lac –