
Æ’s Who’s-Who in the Webministry
The following is a list of all rostered Webministers within the Sylvan Kingdom of AEthelmearc.
All email addresses end in
This information is accurate as of
May 15, 2024 @ 3 PM based on reports made to Kingdom from the local groups.
If there are any inaccuracies, please contact the Kingdom Webminister to correct these mistakes.
Reporting Dates:
Q1: February 15
Q2: May 15
Q3: August 15
Q4: November 15
X = Report received
L = Late report received
N = No report received
– = Site in process of being built
* = noted switch in Webminister
Group | SCA Name | Warrant? | Exp? | Aug 24 |
Nov 24 | Feb 25 | |
Kingdom Level | |||||||
Kingdom Webminister | Amalie Reinhardt | webminister | Yes | 9/27 | X | X | X |
Webminister Field Marshal | Alaxandair O’Conchobhair | webfieldmarshal | Yes | 3/25 | |||
Webminister Deputy Google Network Admin Chief “Button Pusher” Incipient Kingdom Webminister |
Rhys of Myles Ende | deputywebminister1 | Yes | 6/24 | |||
Deputy Webminister | Ishiyama Gen’tarou Yori’ie | deputywebminister3 | Yes | 12/26 | |||
Deputy Webminister | Daniel Rufus | deputywebminister4 | Yes | 10/23 | |||
Deputy Webminister | Niall mac Raedwulf | deputywebminister5 | Yes | 4/25 | |||
Deputy Webminister | Elena de la Palma | deputywebminister6 | Yes | 7/26 | |||
Deputy Webminister | Lijsbet Hoefman | deputywebminister7 | Yes | 2/24 | |||
Deputy Webminister | Nicolo dei Gaetani | deputywebminister8 | Yes | 12/24 | |||
Deputy Webminister |
Lord Gideon | deputywebminister9 | Yes | 6/24 | |||
Web Compliance Officer |
Juliana Rosalia Dolce da Siena | webcompliance | Yes | 6/24 | |||
Deputy for Online Classes/Zoom | Magdalena Txoperena de Guerra | onlineclasses | Yes | 11/24 | |||
Google Analytics Deputy | Hilderun Hugelmann | googleanalytics | |||||
Social Media Assistant | Aine ny Allane | webocialmedia | |||||
Kingdom Seneschal’s Deputy for Events | Tassin Tressaul | email events | Yes | 12/23 | |||
Region 1 | |||||||
College of Arx Collis | arxcollis | ||||||
Barony of Blackstone Mountain | Alaxandair Ó’Conchobhair | blackstonemountain | Yes | 3/25 | N | N | X |
Shire of Ballachlagan | Giovanni Alberici | ballachlagan | Yes | 7/24 | N | N | X |
Shire of Misty Highlands | Gareth Kincaid | mistyhighlands | Yes | 7/24 | X | X | |
Shire of Port Oasis | Rayhana bint Talib | portoasis | Yes | 8/24 | X* | N | |
Shire of Sylvan Glen | Caoimhe Conchie Dhu | sylvanglen | Yes | 5/24 | X | L | X |
Region 2 | |||||||
Barony-Marche of Debatable Lands | Niall mac Raedwulf | debatablelands | Yes | 4/25 | X | X | X |
College of Silva Vulcani | Gabrielle Winter [seneschal] | silvavulcani | No | * | N | X | |
Shire of Hunter’s Home | Thorfinnr y Elsfiord [seneschal] | huntershome | No | N | N | ||
Shire of King’s Crossing | Sven Tyrvisson | kingscrossing | Yes | 12/23 | X | L | |
Shire of Steltonwald | Gunther Schwartzrose | steltonwald | Yes | 12/25 | N | N | |
Shire of Sunderoak | Trystan Salinas De Ibiza | sunderoak | Yes | 9/26 | X* | L | |
Region 3 | |||||||
Barony of Endless Hills | Nicolo dei Gateani | endlesshills | Yes | 12/24 | X | X | X |
Barony of St. Swithin’s Bog | Eliza Allison | stswithinsbog | Yes | 9/24 | X | X | X |
Shire of Abhainn Ciach Ghlais | Gille MacDhnouill | acg | Yes | 1/25 | X | X | X |
Shire of Nithgaard | Amano Zenjirou Nakatsune | nithgaard | Yes | 8/25 | X | X | X |
Region 4 | |||||||
Barony of Rhydderich Hael (& Ice Dragon site) | Lijsbet Hoefman | rhydderichhael | Yes | 2/24 | X | X | |
Barony of Thescorre | Nuzha bint Saleem | thescorre | Yes | 8/26 | X | X | X |
Canton of Beau Fleuve | Caleb Reynolds | beaufleuve | Yes | 9/26 | X | X | X |
Shire of Blackwater | |||||||
Shire of Hartstone | Elizabeth of Hartstone | hartstone | No | 7/23 | N | N | |
Shire of Heronter | Kawamura no Ryôtarô Yoshichi | heronter | Yes | 7/23 | N | N | |
Region 5 | |||||||
Barony of Delftwood and Canton of Dunloch | Othindisa Bykona | delftwood | Yes | 9/24 | N | * | X |
Dominion of Myrkfaelinn | Robert of Ferness | myrkfaelinn | Yes | 5/24 | X | X | X |
Shire of Angel’s Keep | Dyryck Hastings | angelskeep | Yes | 8/23 | N | N | |
Shire of Coppertree | Aerin Wen Pengrek | coppertree | Yes | 6/24 | X | X | X |
Shire of Courtlandtslot | Ællin Olafs dotter | courtlandtslot | Yes | 8/26 | N | * | X |
Shire of Sterlynge Vayle | Simon Caminante | sterlyngevayle | Yes | 5/24 | N | * | X |
Shire of Wyntersett | *dormant* | ||||||
Kingdom Offices | |||||||
AEthelmearc AEcademy | Eric Grenier de LaBarre | aecademy | Yes | 8/23 | N | X | |
Chatelaine | Elena de la Palma | chatelaine | Yes | 7/26 | X | X | X |
College of Heralds |
Edith of Winterton Dorothea Stark Schütz |
precedence |
Yes Yes |
12/24 1/25 |
X L |
X N |
X X |
Earl Marshal | Amalie Reinhardt | earlmarshal | Yes | 9/24 | X | X | X |
Fencing Marshal | Simon Caminante | fencingmarshal | Yes | 5/24 | X | X | X |
Historian | Amalie Reinhardt | historian | Yes | 9/24 | X | X | X |
Minister of Arts & Sciences | Robert of Ferness | moas | Yes | 5/24 | X | X | X |
Minister of the Lists | Olyf Moorcroft | mol | Yes | 11/25 | X | X | |
Sylvan Signet | Amalie Reinhardt | signet | Yes | 9/27 | X | X | X |
Thrown Weapons | Amalie Reinhardt | thrownweapons | Yes | 9/27 | X | X | X |
Webminister | Amalie Reinhardt | webminister | Yes | 9/27 | X | X | X |
Youth Combat | Andriu Mac Domhnaill | youthcombat | Yes | 7/24 | N | * | |
Kingdom Guilds | |||||||
Brewer’s Guild | Gideon | brewers | Yes | 6/24 | N | * | |
Clothier’s Guild | Zartisa Zavodichikovna | clothiers | Yes | 3/25 | X* | N | X |
College of Bards | Eadaoin Ruadh | bards | Yes | 5/24 | X | X | X |
Moneyer’s Guild | Amalie Reinhardt | coins | Yes | 9/27 | X | X | X |
Kingdom Polling Orders | |||||||
Order of Defense | Simon Caminante | defense | Yes | 5/24 | X | X | X |
Order of the Fleur | Madoc Arundel | fleur | Yes | 9/24 | X | X | X |
Order of the Millrind | Astridr vigaskegg | millrind | Yes | 4/24 | N | X | |
Order of the Scarlet Battery | Amalie Reinhardt | scarletbattery | Yes | 9/27 | X | X | X |
Order of the White Scarf | Simon Caminante | whitescarf | Yes | 5/24 | X | X | X |
Other pages:
TRM (Submitted April 2024)
TRH (Submitted May 2024)
AELeads (Submitted April 2024)
Known World Cooks & Bards 2024 (Submitted May 2024)
Royal Assassin’s Guild (Submitted April 2024)
Other Warranted Webministers:
Elizabeth D’Hawkesworth [new date needed]
Nicole du Marais 4/27